Nonprofit Website Information and Resources

About Us

About Us2021-07-03T08:17:10-04:00

We Help Nonprofits Increase Their Audiences & Donations

We advocate, serve, and support the nonprofit community.

We utilize our knowledgeable experience and knowledge of marketing strategies and tactics for nonprofit success.

We integrate all of these to generate a more profitable and successful nonprofit for you.

WP Nonprofits offers the tactics and strategies to push your nonprofit forward

After providing website support for hundreds of businesses, we realized there was a huge market that was underserved. Nonprofit organizations. We founded WP Nonprofits to help those who were struggling with their website and digital marketing.

We help nonprofits explode their online presence, increase the number of supporters, and get more donations each year.

Our team is located all over the world, compiled of experts who become your organization’s virtual web team. We offer 24/7 service. We are constantly working on your website, so you don’t have to.

We are focused on creating long-term partnerships with Nonprofits to provide them with the tools they need to see increased audiences and donations.

Need more info? Speak to an expert