Nonprofit Website Services for Nonprofit Organizations

Website Services

Website Services2020-11-18T10:08:05-04:00

Website Design/Development

Aligning your website user experience is crucial to a successful Nonprofit. Let us help you create a conversion-focused website that will draw the traffic to meet the needs of your Nonprofit.

One Time Fix

Whether you need a plugin updated or your theme is broken or you have a more complex technical need, we can repair your website to good order quickly. We will work on your issue without delay. This One Time Fix covers a single one-hour WordPress general support issue.

Website Maintenance

Handling crucial maintenance and security tasks that you don’t have time to do is our speciality. Your WordPress website needs constant care to stay updated and secure. We monitor your website around the clock and keep it running smoothly.

Google Ad Grants

The marketing world is a competitive one, especially for Nonprofits. Google Ad Grants helps you in finding new donors, exposing your organization to the public, recruiting new volunteers, sharing your story with the world. When we partner with a Nonprofit, we perform a full cycle analysis of its marketing situation, as well as, a full analysis of possible competing or similar organizations. Based on the findings, we are able to create a precise strategy that will not only bring traffic to your website, but will ensure that this is a high-quality traffic that your organization needs.

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