How to Delegate: From Doing It All to Having Staff

It is true that, due to ever limited budgets, people in non-profit organizations often wear multiple hats. That’s why bringing new staff onboard, among other reasons, is an exciting time. You suddenly feel that you can transition from doing everything by yourself to managing and delegating tasks, as needed. Delegating work in an efficient manner is not easy and it is a skill that needs to be learned. You need to be good at judging the talent and build confidence and trust among team members.

Key Takeaways:

  • Take the time to find out what excites your team member and what their skill set is.
  • Be clear about what needs to be done, but let them decide how to do it.
  • Schedule regular standing meetings and have times available to answer questions.

“You should be clear about what you want to be done, and what resources are available (including time), but you should generally leave the “how” up to them.”

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