Conscience Crisis: The Impact of Your Nonprofit Not Living Your Values

One of the dominant factors leading to a sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction with jobs in non-profit sector is belief, perceived or real, that the organization is not doing what they are preaching. When that happens, generating enthusiasm among employees and stakeholders becomes a challenge. The impact on the bottom line is considerable and non-profit leaders need to be cognizant of this issue. In order to address the problem, the organization needs to fundamentally evaluate their mechanisms and be honest to themselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Any company can have divisions, but these can cut to the core if the company is a non-profit.
  • If there are those in any position that feel that the company is not living up to their promise this weakens the company overall.
  • Remember that while your givers count, your staff is your meat and potatoes. Treat them with respect and their opinions like gold. Never have them think clients matter more.

“Be honest with yourself, especially if you’re in a position of leadership with even a modicum of power and authority to shift your corporate culture towards greater generosity, abundance and gratitude. And, if you’re not, consider sharing this article or this checklist with someone who is.”

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