As we mentioned in our last post, a lot of Nonprofits have just started a new Fiscal year. Typically during this period you see drop off from member based Nonprofits. It is a natural trend. People either don't see the value anymore, they are finding it hard to afford, whatever the reason may be- they are deciding not to be a paying member anymore. In previous years, while the deficit was seen, there were still new members coming in, which evened out the losses from a financial stand point.
Due to Covid-19, a lot of people worldwide are facing financial insecurity and we are being bold enough to say, they are losing interest in certain things while they are virtual. While many Nonprofits are receiving some sort of loan from their local or the Federal Government, what does that mean if you are losing the value of your Nonprofit? The members. That loss is hard to swallow. We specialize in building long-term relationships between Nonprofits and their members, so we are going to give you some advice compiled by our experts.
It feels like there are so many things happening everyday — especially over the last…