When it comes to texting as a marketing platform, a lot of Nonprofit marketers are hesitant. It's understandable. Texting seems like some sort of invasion of privacy, but it's not. We are currently living in a world where we heavily rely on our ever evolving technology. That means, the norm is being altered all the time too. Texting has been a huge success for marketers because messages are being read through and responded to. With this being said,
Whether the response is good or bad, you're learning. If the response is good, you are seeing increased participation within your organization. If the response is bad, then there is room for improvement. Texting etiquette is something every Nonprofit marketer should learn right now.
Just like any other marketing platform, there is room to learn. We encourage you to start texting within your organization, and see how it goes. Keep these do's and dont's in mind, and it should be smooth sailing. Remember, there was once a time when organizations felt like social media was an ‘inappropriate' way of communicating. Now think about your organization's current marketing…
It feels like there are so many things happening everyday — especially over the last…