Categories: Summaries

You have new donors. How will you keep them?

If you have some new donors to your fundraiser or charity, it's important that you keep them for the long term. The best way to do this is to develop a relationship with them and treat them as a person rather than treating them as a donor. You should always send a thank you card to your donor letting them know that their donation was appreciated. You also should be sending them updates on what their donation did and how it helped the fundraising effort.

Key Takeaways:

  • The best way to show your donors that you care about them is simply by caring about them as a person more then just a donator.
  • You should always send a thank you letter to a donor and also let them know what type of difference they are making with their donation.
  • Always keep your donors informed on where there money is going and give them updates via newsletters or emails.

“Unless you take thoughtful action now to strengthen their loyalty to your organization.”

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