Beyond “Donor-Centric:” The Risks of Overemphasis on External Partners
If you have been living under a rock, then you might not know that a lot of non profits are donor centric. If you are unaware of what donor centric means, then think of it just as it sounds. It means that it focuses on people who are donating to the non profit. Some companies go over board with it and leave their staff hanging while they are getting fewer benefits than the donors are. Donors shouldn't become more important than the employees helping to run things the way you want them run.
Key Takeaways:
- For non-profit culture, donor centric refers to placing donor-specific needs at the peak of the needs hierarchy of the corporation.
- While the premise sounds well thought out and even awesome, it can backfire. It can be misconstrued as open season for thoughtless donors to flood the non-profit with stupid and meaningless requests.
- Just because a donor gives funds does not mean that every donor has values that fit the corporate mission. When they do not fit it can cause a real problem.
“Or, rather, going overboard with donor-centricity, at the expense of internal harmony and the organization’s people, is potentially problematic. In their efforts to appeal more meaningfully to donors, nonprofits should be aware of the following situations in which donor-centric fundraising can cause more problems than it solves.”
Read more: https://bloomerang.co/blog/beyond-donor-centric-the-risks-of-overemphasis-on-external-partners/
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