5 Priority Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies for 2021

5 Priority Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies for 2021

There are a few fundraising strategies that you should be using in 2021 if you are running a nonprofit. Hosting a virtual event can help you build relationships as well as a community which will bring people together for one common goal. Make sure to use your phone as well as zoom to connect with people in real time. You want to be able to socialize as much as possible. Finally, make sure to optimize your website for donations so donors have a quick and easy process to do so.

Key Takeaways:

  • It's good to ask donors for a monthly contribution. Those who already had this setup found themselves more stable during the pandemic.
  • You want to make sure a monthly option to donate is easily placed on the website as some may have a hard time finding it.
  • Allowing donors to make a limited time donation should be easy to get started. If they are unsure then it is good to allow them to ease into it.

“Those nonprofit fundraising strategies, and the five we’ll cover today, require a strong partnership between marketing and fundraising staff.”

Read more: https://bloomerang.co/blog/5-priority-nonprofit-fundraising-strategies-for-2021/

2021-01-31T13:00:13-04:00January 31st, 2021|Summaries|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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