7 Useful Tips to Increase Membership Renewal for Your Association

7 Useful Tips to Increase Membership Renewal for Your Association

There are many different things that you can do to help increase membership renewals to your website. First, make sure that you have automatic membership reminders set up as well as a renewal link in those reminders. This makes it easy for your members to renew and prevents them from forgetting. Make sure you keep your members engaged throughout the year with valuable content. Finally, allow for different membership options and tiers so that your association can fit within anyone's budget.

Key Takeaways:

  • Offer different membership options so that you allow your consumers to find the best structure that fits them with regards to payments.
  • If your member doesn't renew by their deadline instead of removing all of their benefits just pause them in case they renew.
  • Your organization should always allow it's members to cancel their membership whenever they want on your website. Make the process easy for them.

“It’s often best to develop a system that will send out multiple reminders. The first one should be sent a few days before the renewal date. Then, send a second reminder on the date of the renewal. If they still haven’t renewed their membership, give them a third reminder a few days after the renewal date.”

Read more: https://www.nptechforgood.com/2020/12/21/7-useful-tips-to-increase-membership-renewal-for-your-association/

2020-12-23T13:00:14-04:00December 23rd, 2020|Summaries|


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