Best Fundraising Tactics During Covid-19

Best Fundraising Tactics During Covid-19

Covid-19 has been something that all of us have had to navigate through and make adjustments to the way we were doing things as needed. We've had to come up with different ways to grocery shop, attend events, see family and friends, the list could go on. We've seen a huge shift to being in person to being online. None of the trends we've seen have excluded Nonprofits. We've seen a lot of Nonprofits who were heavily focused on getting together in person, having to shift all of their events online.

The big question remains: In this unprecedented time, how can we fundraise?

To say we're in unprecedented times is putting it mildly, but there is great news for Nonprofits. People still want to give, they still are looking to give, and they still are giving if they're able to. It's okay to fundraise now. It's even expected. We're going to break down some ways we've seen our clients successfully fundraising.

Email campaigns can be direct solicitations, or you can have a memo at the bottom of your email reminding readers not to forget how much their donation will mean to your organization.

If you follow us, you know how much we stress this: make sure a button for donations is front and center on your website. Now, more than ever, it's important. Someone may read about what you're doing during Covid-19 and feel inclined to give. If they can't find how to donate within 10 seconds, it's likely you will miss out on that donation.

Fundraising events, just like email campaigns, can be done in two ways (or both). You can be direct and set a price for an event that people must pay in order to get to your event, or you can have a suggested donation/ pay as you feel. It varies on your event, organization and cost. If you need to cover the cost of your virtual event, it absolutely should be mandatory. If there aren't any costs, but you would like to bring in some money, consider making the event a suggested donation/pay as you feel.

QR codes are great to have for programs your organization holds daily or weekly. People are typically so thankful for your routine program, and having a QR code is a great way as a subtle way to ask, without having to ask.

Peer to peer fundraisers are great on a normal day, but even better during Covid-19. People want so badly to help their favorite Nonprofits, but don't always have the means to do so. Those who can't give want to physically do something. The perfect way to do, is for people to call on their peers to help raise funds for their Nonprofit.

This feature is super cool. You can post photos on either your Instagram feed or story, and utilize the “link in bio or swipe up feature.” Getting people int the moment when they see something is key. They feel passionate about the cause and want to help right then and there. You can also update the link in your Instagram or Twitter bio and “About” section on Facebook to a direct link of your Nonprofit's fundraising page.

There are national days like “giving Tuesday” or “National Parkinson's Awareness Month”, and this is the perfect time for organizations to solicit donations. Depending on your organization, share with the world what your mission is and what you do. From there, you can solicit donations to help support your cause.

All of these work because like we said earlier, if people are able to give, they want to help the Nonprofits they love and they want to learn and support new missions.

Don't forget to remember, operating a Nonprofit during a global pandemic is new to all of us.

It'll take time, but every Nonprofit will soon find their rhythm in fundraising success, like they had prior to Covid-19.

2021-02-26T22:15:02-04:00June 29th, 2020|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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