How easily can I collect donations on my website?

How easily can I collect donations on my website?

Collecting donations on your website can and should be done very easily. In this day and age, if it’s hard to collect donations on your website then you are likely not doing it right. Collecting online donations should be nothing short of simple, effective, and secure. 

$128 dollars is the average online donation amount. $326 dollars is the average annual donation total for recurring donors. [Nonprofitsource]

Online donations all start with a plugin form on your WordPress site. We recommend using Gravity forms. We use this reliable plugin on all of our sites, and most of our client’s sites. Once you have your form plugin installed, you will want to integrate your form plugin with your CRM (customer relationship management) and “money collector.” 

This is a huge step because if your systems are not properly set up, they will not work and you will likely never see a recurring donation. Thanking a donor is a huge part of your form, that should not be missed. Not to mention, you want to be sure that this donor is added into your CRM because you can keep them in the loop with the intention of drawing them into your organization. As we always say, your first impression as an organization is more important than anything. Make it a good one! 

A look into how we do this: 

Our team has worked with various Nonprofit organizations to get a donation form on their site using a variety of tools. We can set up Gravity Forms, PayPal, Stripe, and more tools for donation collection. Additionally, we can integrate the transaction to your CRM using Zapier or an API to keep donor information organized. Another way to do this is by using a plugin called GiveWP

If you feel stuck and are guessing which is the best way to set this up for your organization, schedule a free session here.  There is no commitment to any of our services, just advice.

Tools we recommend:

  • GiveWP: A fundraising plugin for WordPress for Nonprofit donations. This online fundraising plugin allows you to accept donations online, track your fundraising progress, and so much more. Learn more here.
  • ThriveCart: Seamless and simple features that capture donations from anywhere, integrate the tools you already use, high-converting templates, and customize your dashboard – all with ThriveCart. Learn more here.
2021-06-10T23:30:47-04:00June 16th, 2021|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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