Winning a top spot on the Facebook feed
Facebook is an ever-evolving platform. Almost every day it seems like there is a change, whether we, as marketers, are happy about them or not, they're constantly happening. One thing we can be happy about that's currently in the works: Facebook is now focusing on becoming a totally user-friendly feed. They made this decision in March of 2021. They're committed to showing the user what they actually want to see, not what Facebook believes they want to see based on their algorithm.
This is HUGE for Nonprofit organizations that don't typically spend money when using Facebook to “advertise”. Organizations are now more likely to be seen in the feed. Let's be clear though, although Facebook is becoming more user-friendly, there is still a lot of work that organizations need to do in order to be seen in the feed. Your work shouldn't stop even now that there are these new feed options.
The 3 different options a user will (or already) have:
1.Select favorite pages/people to follow
A user can select up to 30 of their favorite pages or people, and that's the content they will see first in their feed. A lot of people are excited about this because it feels like they're finally able to use Facebook the way they intended – to keep up with friends, family, and their interests! We suggest letting your supporters know about this feature with clear instructions on how to make your page one of their favorites to ensure that they are always seeing your content.
Instructions (can only be done on mobile):
- Click toolbar
- Click recent and favorite
- Click manage favorites
- Add friends or page
2.See posts in chronological order
We don't know much about this one because it's only available right now to Android users. We do know that all users will soon have the option to go back to the 2014 way of seeing what was posted first if they choose this feature. The classic Facebook feed, as many call it. More consistency, and again, more of what users wanted Facebook to be like when they signed up.
3.Continue Facebook's Algorithm
This is what most Facebook users have now. Facebook uses a scoring system to determine what they believe you, as a user, will be the most interested in. Facebook's bots and artificial intelligence use what you interact with to sort out your feed. Is it always accurate? Not so much!
These changes will take time on Facebook's end to become permanent. There's a lot to say about Facebook, but they definitely spend immense time researching and rolling out updates. It's possible after they roll this out, there will be some changes to discuss. But, for right now, these are the changes and they're looking great for you! Nonprofit organizations should be very happy about this.
Until Facebook's next update… 😆
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