Are you regularly updating your Google My Business account?

Are you regularly updating your Google My Business account?

A lot of Nonprofits don't think that regularly updating their Google My Business account applies to them, but it does. In fact, we've seen a lot of client success with those who are regularly adding content to their Google My Business account. If you are not taking advantage of this free (and mostly painless) feature, we highly suggest you start. Google tends to favor accounts that provide regular Google My Business updates.

Follow our step-by-step instructions to start your first post:

Sign in to your Google Business account here. Once you are in your account, you will see the following screen:

On the lefthand side, you will see an option ‘Posts' – select this.

From here, you can select which content you would like to update. While the selections for each varies, it's important to always add a captivating title, photo and as many details as possible with a corresponding button when needed. Be sure to always press ‘update' or ‘save', as well.

Below is a great example of what your ‘finished product' will look like, and should look like. There is a captivating headline, photo, learn more button – plus, it gives the reader a chance to see all posts, and visit the business on social media!

This process is simple, and it goes a really long way. It not only helps improve your SEO ranking, but having an active, and current account is really crucial for potential supporters. The easier it is to find good information, the better it is for your organization. Plus, Google typically gives you an ad credit when you verify your Google My Business, so get out there and start posting!

2021-04-30T22:53:01-04:00March 3rd, 2021|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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