Quality Versus Quantity: Which Matters More for Your Nonprofit’s Social Media?

Quality Versus Quantity: Which Matters More for Your Nonprofit’s Social Media?

Quality versus quantity is one of the most popular questions, but have you ever thought about it in the context of social media? We’ll give you a hint: there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s what your organization wishes to get out of social media that matters. 

When it comes to social media, we’ve deemed the most successful pages, to be the ones with the most likes. The more people who like your page or post, the more successful you are. Makes sense, right? Some organizations strive for more likes because they think it helps establish credibility. They’re not wrong, but neither are the organizations who don’t care about likes, they care about how many people their post reaches. 

Let’s talk about reach and engagement. The more people you reach theoretically means the more people have heard about your organization. Yes, that is true, but the true number to focus on is the engagement. This is how many people are truly interacting with your post. Clicking on the article, clicking the link to your website, etc. Interacting usually leads to more conversions. Only your organization can see the reaches and engagements, but it may be worth not having 100 likes, and having 15 new volunteers. 

Now that we have talked about quality and quantity, we want to raise a very important fact that is often overlooked when it comes to talking about the success of your page: size. If your organization is smaller, it’s okay that you average only 30-40 likes per post. It’s okay that you only have a few hundred page likes. Focus on the positives. The positives being those involved with your organization are showing up, liking your page and engaging with your posts. Sometimes, that feels way better than 100,000 likes, and 100,000 likes feels good. 

So, do you think quality or quantity is more important? 

While you’re thinking, here are quick tips from our social media experts on how to increase the quality of your pages: 



  • Post often, but make sure it’s wholesome content. Join groups that are alike your organization. Be sure to set up a Pixel (collects data to optimize your future ads) on Facebook. Don’t know how? Start here:
    • Go to your Business Manager Page → Events Manager → Pixels
    • Once you have set the Pixels set up, you will need to add them to your website.


  • Instagram is known for its great photos and videos, and now they have a donation button for Nonprofits, which is awesome! Photos can share a story without having to say anything. It’s okay to post hardships, success stories, funny memes. Whatever fits your organization. Users shouldn’t post more than 30 hashtags, our experts even suggest 9-12 hashtags as the key. 


  • People love Twitter because of its speed. It’s a great way to interact with followers, and catch up with the most current events. Be sure to stick to only two to three hashtags. Anymore is #TooMuch on Twitter! 


  • LinkedIn is often overlooked when it comes to Nonprofit social media, even though it can do so much for your organization. This is a great place to advertise your upcoming events that require volunteers. Companies are always looking for great ways to get involved in the community! 

Find out how to optimize your Ad spending with Google Ad Grants. 

2021-05-11T22:37:33-04:00April 17th, 2020|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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