Which Types of Live Video Are People Actually Watching? [New Data]

Which Types of Live Video Are People Actually Watching? [New Data]

Unlike what one would assume, entertainment is not the kind of video mostly watched online. Educational videos are more popular, and a company could benefit from this trend. People enjoy watching live question and answer sessions, videos demonstrating a product and ‘how to' videos. They are all the more effective when viewers are invited to engage the content. If a company plans to use videos to advertise, choosing the platform wisely and practicing before filming is advisable.

Key Takeaways:

  • It's good practice to host live Q&As with influencers, thought leaders, or even your own company's experts.
  • A live product tutorial or demo adds authenticity because there is no possible editing.
  • Choose the platform whose audience best aligns with your own targets.

“The top three live videos that people say they're most likely to click on actually emphasize content that's educational”

Read more: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/live-video-formats

2020-08-06T12:15:13-04:00June 23rd, 2020|Summaries|


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