Get to know our team!

airplane traveling across a map of the world

Get to know our team!

One of the most unique things about our team is that we are located all over the world — offering our clients 24/7 service. All our managerial staff is in the United States, spread over 3 different time zones. Our diverse and talented team is composed of the world’s best developers, designers, and marketers. But we may be biased 😉 

Our foundation is a team of 3, and we are not the strongest web developers! In 2018, we were working with an independent contractor, paying ridiculous fees, and the deadlines we set were often ignored. That June, we started working with WP Nonprofit and it's been such a great move for us. Their turnaround time is quick, they are extremely professional, they're always open to hopping on the phone for a quick call, and the price is perfect for a tiny organization like us.

Highly recommend: A++

Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation

We have had the pleasure of working with Jamie Markizon and WP Nonprofits for a number of years now. They’re the most reliable resource for managing and updating our website. But on top of their talent, experience and professionalism, they’re also the kindest, most wonderful people. It’s a joy to collaborate with them and we feel really lucky to have such stellar people on our team.

Emily Kramer-Golinkoff , Co-Founder, Emily's Entourage

We started working with WP Nonprofits and Strategic Websites in an effort to boost our ad grant utilization, increase our social media engagement, and develop a new website. Once we started our relationship with WP Nonprofits and Strategic Websites, we began seeing great results. They have consistently helped us get almost full utilization of the $10,000 monthly Google Ad Grant. Plus, our newly developed website is drawing in more visitors and our social media presence is becoming more widely known thanks to the increased engagement. We recommend WP Nonprofits and Strategic Websites for any of your nonprofit marketing and website needs.

Panorama Patient Network

Although our team is located around the world, we all hold one common goal: Focus on creating long-term partnerships with Nonprofits to provide them with the tools they need to see increased audiences and donations.

If you haven’t heard about us before, after serving business website needs for over 20 years, we founded WP Nonprofits in 2019 once we realized there was a huge underserved market: Nonprofits. 

We’ve helped dozens of  Nonprofits explode their online presence, increase the number of supporters, and get more donations each year by implementing the tactics we know so well. 

Let us help spread your Nonprofit’s message. Claim your free 30 minute consultation to evaluate your Nonprofit and begin future plans here

2021-08-30T20:24:50-04:00September 1st, 2021|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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