Raising funds as a Nonprofit has challenges that traditional businesses don't have to consider. Rules…
Zoom fatigue… it's real and it's effecting more people than you may think. During this pandemic, businesses and organizations were forced to close and move online. While a lot of the country is opening up, most states are still being encouraged to work at home if they're able to, forcing meetings and programs to Zoom. Although Zoom is a great platform because it keeps us seeing each other's faces and engaged, it is exhausting us.
Staring at the computer all day is hard enough, but the pressure of making sure you and your background are presentable, no one popping into the background of your screen, having to repeat yourself because you froze- we're already tired and that's only a few factors. It's only natural that everyone is on edge in a global pandemic, but believe it or not, Zoom is adding to this. When you or another participant's screen freezes, it's frustrating. You are not able to pick up other participant's social cues on Zoom, which may lead to tension. Then, to add on to all of this, because you're on a Zoom call you feel obligated to have your screen on. So, you are then staring at yourself for way longer than you would on a normal non-Zoom day.
But, like we mentioned before, Zoom is a great way to stay engaged with people in real time. Nonprofits cannot afford to lose this time with its audience, so if you have to stay on Zoom here are some tips to lessen your fatigue.
If you're our client, we'd love to hear what's been working for your programs. If you're not our client, we still want to hear from you to learn more about what your Nonprofit has been doing thought this pandemic. Stay safe, take breaks and don't let the Zoom fatigue get you down!
It feels like there are so many things happening everyday — especially over the last…