5 Things Nonprofit Boards Can Do To Intentionally Lead On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

5 Things Nonprofit Boards Can Do To Intentionally Lead On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As the world erupts in protests over racial inequality, it's time for nonprofit organization to do their part in the realm of diversity and inclusion. They should be proactively assembling a diverse team to act as their Board of Directors, which should match the demographics of their community. Also, these organization need to deal with implicit bias, and ensure that their mission is built around understanding. Finally, nonprofits should craft guidelines about how to deal with future injustices as well as holding each member of the organization to these high standards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nonprofit leaders have the responsiblity to support organizations working to end racism and more.
  • To aid in the fight against racism, nonprofits should have diverse hires first and foremost, especially on the board.
  • Nonprofits should also come to terms with their own biases and more to be effective.

“The practice of monitoring your performance and ensuring regular accountability reviews will ensure that you stay the course.”

Read more: https://bloomerang.co/blog/5-things-nonprofit-boards-can-do-to-intentionally-lead-on-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/

2020-08-07T19:37:01-04:00August 7th, 2020|Summaries|


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