[ASK AN EXPERT] How Do I Write An Endowment Letter?

[ASK AN EXPERT] How Do I Write An Endowment Letter?

Raising funds for a non-profit organization is an important task, critical for the survival of it. Yet, despite its importance, or maybe because of it, it’s a task that many non-profit people dread and lack understanding on what the best methods are. When writing a letter to ask for endowment, realize that you are asking for a commitment that may span many years and significant finances. In most cases, this should be done in person, as it increases the chance for success. Make sure you clearly state the purpose of such requests and specific use of funds funneled through an endowment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Endowment gifts are generally major commitments, so they are usually done in person.
  • When starting an endowment campaign, you must convince board members and major donors of the wisdom of it.
  • Use Google to find examples of specific language to be used if a gift is to be earmarked as an endowment.

“Depending on the types of gifts you’re set up to accept, this might include: Outright gift to endowment; bequest via will or trust; retirement plan beneficiary designation; insurance beneficiary designation; charitable trust or charitable gift annuity.”

Read more: https://bloomerang.co/blog/ask-an-expert-how-do-i-write-an-endowment-letter/

2021-02-03T13:00:28-04:00February 3rd, 2021|Summaries|


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