Crisis is the Time to Show Donors You Care

Crisis is the Time to Show Donors You Care

Due to the global pandemic, fundraisers have been looking for new opportunities to increase donations. With everyone at home, people in charge of fundraising for their organization should reach out to their donors on a personal level. Connecting with donors via telephone will show donors that you care. It's important for the fundraiser to listen to the needs of the donor, and empathize with their situation whenever possible. So, pick up a phone and dial, since staying silent won't achieve anything.

Key Takeaways:

  • During this pandemic, you can take the time to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with your donors.
  • You can show donors how much you care about them by just reaching out right now.
  • You can even do some research by asking your donors simple questions to see how well they think you're responding to the crisis.

“We’re all watching the same grim news reports, staying at home, just marinating in fear, worry and concern.”

Read more:

2020-08-06T12:15:13-04:00June 7th, 2020|Summaries|


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