5 key things your donation page may be missing

woman looking at her credit card to enter online

5 key things your donation page may be missing

Your donation page could be doing so much better than it currently is. That’s a fact. In many cases, your donation page performs well, but there is always room for improvement. We’re sure your budget line agrees! 

Here’s what your page may be missing: 

Simple Navigation

We’ve said this so many times before, but we love to say this every opportunity we get… 🗣️  you can have the nicest looking website, but if your site is not easy for a user to navigate, your website is basically useless. Forms, buttons, homepage accessibility, etc. need to all be easily found and accessible on your page. User experience should be the #1 priority of your site.


So many donors use their phones. If your donation page, or let alone any page of your site is not mobile-friendly you will lose hundreds, if not thousands of potential donors a year. What you see on your desktop can be completely different from what someone who is using their phone is seeing. If it's not functional on mobile, it won't do its job. Oftentimes, the user will be upset by the lack of usability or they won't remember to go back and make their donation online. 

Clear Instructions

To people who seemingly spend most of their time online, filling out a donation form seems easy. However, that’s not always the case. There are always first-time online donors, and people who are a bit confused. Listing clear instructions eliminates any confusion and allows the donor to have a simple and successful experience. If you list out clear instructions and are still receiving a lot of questions or your donation page isn't performing well, we recommend re-evaluating your page. 

Financial Transparency 

This is so important and so many organizations forget to have this on their donation page. You don’t need to give a lot of details, but a short sentence or two about where donations go can go a really long way. Not to mention, it may even prompt a larger donation! People like to know that their money is going to a good cause and even better use. 

Security Assurance

No, we don’t mean having a bouncer on your website page! We mean having some sort of sign that your website is secure. Whether it’s an SSL certificate, or you have a message that states your security — you need that clear and on the page. Again, Nonprofits lose an insane amount of potential donations because they didn’t feel as though their website was safe. Would you put in your credit card or checking information if you didn't feel secure on a site?

The changes above may seem so small that you can put them off, but they make a world of difference on the impression you wish to leave. If you read through any of these and thought that your site could use a bit more of this, we strongly encourage you to make this a high priority. End of year giving may seem far away but it's practically around the corner…

If you need help along the way while making these changes, reach out to us. Our team has experience in every one of these things and we're ready to help your website shine online!

2021-08-20T00:01:07-04:00August 18th, 2021|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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