We Moved Our Nonprofit Online for Covid-19- now what?

We Moved Our Nonprofit Online for Covid-19- now what?

Unprecedented times called for unprecedented measures during Covid-19. During the surge of Covid-19 were most Nonprofits ready to take themselves mostly online? No. Did they figure out how to make it work? Most of them did. So, how did they do this and in a way that they will see continued success?

Staying Connected

Whether the connection was through emails, phone calls, zoom calls- Nonprofits found ways to be connected with their donors and supporters. They moved regular programming online and got creative. They launched new email campaigns. Many Nonprofits hosted game nights, sing a-longs, concerts and more online. Their members and supporters were happy to hear from their favorite Nonprofits. During crisis, that is the time to stay connected.

Asking for Donations

A lot of Nonprofits tastefully used phrases like “if you're able to give” and “donate what you feel appropriate” during their online events. Other places a lot of successful Nonprofits asked for donations was on their email pieces with a simple “donate” button. A lot of Nonprofits felt uncertain about asking for donations, but if people were able to give, they did.

Nonprofit Tech for Good: 66.7% have volunteered for a nonprofit within the last 12 months. 74% donated to the nonprofit that they volunteered for.

Social Media

Whether it was going live across social media platforms, launching social media campaigns, or posting photos to accounts, Nonprofits were active on social media. People were spending more time on social media because they finally had the time, and not much else to do. Social media usage has changed forever.

Social Media Today: People are spending 20% more time on apps during Covid-19 lockdowns.

If your Nonprofit, was having trouble carrying out these ways to stay connected during Covid-19, let's talk to strategize your plan moving forward. We are still very much seeing Covid-19, and this is the new norm. Even though, parts of the country are opening up, we are still seeing lasting effects. Don't let your Nonprofit slip under the Covid-19 cracks.

2021-02-26T22:10:30-04:00June 12th, 2020|Features|


A Google Ad Grant is a donation program that distributes free in-kind advertising up to $10,000 per month to Nonprofit Organizations.

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