Is Your Nonprofit Half Way to Your 2020 Fundraising Goal?

Is Your Nonprofit Half Way to Your 2020 Fundraising Goal?

Fundraising is one of the most critical activities for the survival of non-profit organization. It requires a lot of time, effort and dedication. Creating goals that can be measured is important, because it allows you to critically assess the success of your fundraising campaigns. Comparing the results year over year is the most convenient and straightforward to compare the numbers. Return on investment is going to show you how efficient you are, even if your results are lagging. For the planning purposes, you should know what your projected revenue is at any point in time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use fundraising software to track revenue and expenses and determine your return on investment.
  • When projecting income, look at pledges, automatic monthly donations, and past year trends.
  • Take a look at any changes from previous years that may work to your benefit or detriment.

“While you’re looking at incoming revenue and comparing it to the prior year, take some time to review your expenses as well.”

Read more:

2020-08-27T21:03:12-04:00August 25th, 2020|Summaries|


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