Pay attention! You need these relationships if you want fundraising to succeed

Pay attention! You need these relationships if you want fundraising to succeed

Donors experiences, and their own journeys are very important at the moment of understanding how fundrasing works. Customer service is equally important, and good communication between staff and systems is very important. Examples of bad communication are the refusal to share budgets, providing minimal information about important issues that should be shared with development, lack of respect between fundraising and program staff, or between those areas and marketing and communication departments, or even between fundraisers. Organization culture is crucial in order to have donors satisfaction , and this, eventually, will be reflected in fundraising improvements.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you want to be good at fundraising, your fundraising team must communicate well with others.
  • For example, the fundraising team needs to know the financial situation of the company well.
  • Fundraising and marketing might compete for the same resources, but they have to communicate too.

“One thing guaranteed to hurt customer service is when internal staff and systems aren’t communicating – or are flat-out competing.”

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2020-08-06T12:15:12-04:00July 31st, 2020|Summaries|


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